Educating and helping others has always been an important priority in everything I do. Maintaining that passion and purpose while facing unexpected challenges has helped me determine what is most important for myself and those around me.
I am still surprised today that I ended up in real estate sales. I am passionate about helping others and always have been. I was an environmental science major as an undergrad, and then became a high school science teacher and worked at a school with a curriculum, students and colleagues that I loved. Getting laid off in the summer of 2009 due to a budget shortfall was unexpected, to say the least, and more than heart-breaking for me, my students and my family.
Getting a new local teaching job back then just wasn't possible, and my family was not able to move. Things got difficult real quick. My husband had been laid off in the winter of 2008 and was job surfing because people couldn't afford to keep him on, and we were doing everything we could to keep food on the table and the lights on.
In a circuitous route, I was brought into sales, then real estate, in the spring of 2010, and I haven't looked back. It wasn't the best time to be embarking on a career in real estate, to say the least. However, I was no stranger to working hard and facing challenges, and that really hasn't changed in the years since. I was diligent in learning what I needed to do and applying it once I found my home with Keller Williams.
When 2018 hit, I started the year with a terrible upper respiratory infection that left me with severe asthma. I won’t bore you with the details. Just know it took two years to be able to breathe again. And interestingly, I started my real estate school that same January; in May of 2018, I started my team with my first hire and started a 3rd business that fall. In 2019 I faced a bout with kidney stones that I hadn’t had to deal with since 2015, and a fourth business that summer.
By September 2021, I’d had four surgeries to remove kidney stones and the first of two reconstructive surgeries. In December of 2021, I had a fifth surgery on both kidneys this time, and after that, my body shut down. In January 2022, I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue – which made it impossible for me to function. I was now facing the most difficult challenge of my life, or so it seemed at the time. I truly feared not being able to continue in my chosen career path, again.
There were days when getting out of bed was a monumental task, and I would have to take a nap after showering or making toast. With the assistance of my husband and amazing team, we somehow managed to continue taking care of what we needed to, both at home and at work. What kept me going was the one thing I am most passionate about – helping people. My clients still deserved the best, and we were determined to make sure they got it. I kept my focus on that and just tried to get through each day while getting better little by little.
I am very fortunate and extremely grateful to have had a talented team of individuals to lean on who stepped up and stepped in when they were needed most, especially our Director of Operations, Nicolas Sandim. In addition, having a therapist, coaches and other professionals to guide me during this time helped tremendously. I am excited to be back to "normal" and able to serve our clients in all the best ways possible.
As someone involved in real estate on multiple levels and who has lived on the Cape for 30+ years, I offer a unique approach to real estate. I have extensive knowledge and experience, a great list of vendors and community connections, and strong negotiation skills, creating a comprehensive approach to assisting my clients and ensuring we meet their goals while exceeding their expectations.
I am in this business to help people, and my focus is on getting things done efficiently and effectively while ensuring my clients get all the information they need for them to make the best decision possible for themselves. I am confident in my ability to deliver results and meet your needs. When the transaction is over, I am still here, ready to support you in your next real estate venture and more!
Nichole Willey, PSA, SRS, SRES
Nichole Willey & Team, Keller Williams Cape Cod & Colonial PartnersRealtor®️ | Rain Maker | Broker Associate | Partner | Principal
Call/Text: 508-296-8459
Direct 508-737-3567